15th Festival of Dances 2019











invitation 1o  European Children1-1

invitation 1o  European Children1-2

invitation 1o  European


Aplication form of 1st    EUROPEAN FESTIVALCHILDREN 8-16 YEARS OLD1-1


Aplication form of 1st    EUROPEAN FESTIVALCHILDREN 8-16 YEARS OLD1-2

festival choirs 1-1

 festival choirs 1-2

 festival choirs 1-3jpg











         email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it // This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

                  Information:Asimakis Stavropoulos


                        Mob: ++306948-115031


Μέλος του πιλοτικού προγράμματος EFFE

Member of the EFFE platform Europe

for Festivals, Festivals for Europe








Under the Auspices of International Organization of Folk Art IOV

In operational relations with UNESCO

Under The Auspices Hellenic National Commission for Unesco

Under the Auspices of Ministry Culture &sports

Under the Auspices of Ministry Economy- Development &Tourism

Under The Auspices of Ministry Education Research & Religion







The Cultural and educational Association “Iones” organizes the World Festival of Traditional Dances annually, in which perform dancing groups from Greece and all over the world. The association also organizes the World Congress of Archaeology and the International Choir Festival (www.iones-eliki.gr).
Moreover, we would like to inform you that, since March 2015, our Traditional Dance festival has been listed among the 760 best film-theater-music festivals and all artistic events taking place in the EU. 3896 festivals from 41 European countries were evaluated by an international jury, in order for this list to be formed.
In 2017, “Iones” will organize the

                               from  29/3 to 2/4/2017(5days)

The musical program that each music school and university will present, could be:
-Traditional   program
-Folk             ///////////
-Choir           ///////////


The program will have a duration of 20-30 minutes. You will need to notify us the length of your program
The festival will take place in Patras, which is the third bigger Greek city and in Aigio, a city 30 kilometers away from Patras, simultaneously.
Every music school and university will perform three and more times. One performance will take place in Aigio and two in Patras.
The competition section of the festival only concerns
foreign music schools and universities separately , not the Greek ones.


Final notification of your participation must be received no later than the 30th of November 2016.oIt is kindly advised to respect the deadlines the festival, in order to have all music schools and universities the same obligations and rights.


Further Important Information.


1. The festival will take place at the city of Patra, which is the third city of Greece and Aigio and is located 20 km from the hotel.

Each music school will give more of one performance, depending on the days that they`ll be participating.

2. The Festival will be competitive between foreign universities and schools. The terms will be announced later on.

3. It will be an amazing opening and closing ceremony

At the final ceremony any participant Greek groups and foreign music schools and Universities will sing 2-4 traditional Greek songs to honor some famous Greek music artists.

4. The participating music schools nand Universities will receive diploma plaque- and local gifts.

5.An opportunity will be given to visit wonderful archaeological sites of Greece (Acropolis of Athens-Olympia-Delphi-Epidavros) with their own expenses.

6. There is an opportunity of group collaboration between the schools to organize their own fun days.


               For full conditions please contact us


Stavropoulos   Asimakis     President of   IONES

               Director   of Festival

e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it      This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it





Andres: Asimakis   Stavropoulos


Municipality   Aigialeias     code: 25100




12th World Folkdance Festival

28 JULY--1 AUGUST 2016


2th –World Congres of Folklore-Archaeology

26 JULY-29 JULY 2016

PATRA Greece

2nd Choir Festival ΄΄GEORGE PAPPAS΄΄


AIGIO and PATRA Greece

Under the Auspices

Under the Auspices of International Organization of Folk Art IOV

In operational relations with UNESCO

Under the Auspices of Ministry of Culture &Sports

Under the Auspices of Greek National Tourism Organisation


In previous 11 years the association has organized 11 Folk Festivals and 3 Children festivals. More than 500 groups and more than 15000 dancers from Greece and all over the world participated in the previous editions.


After the organization of the 11th World Festival of Folkloric Dances from 10/8-15/8/2015 ,(www.iones-eliki.gr) which has great success and was characterized as the best festival in Greece for the year 2015 and one of the best festivals in the world, , our union would like to inform you about the organization of the 12th World Festival of Folkloric Dances from 28/7-1/8/2016/ in PATRAS and AIGION

Terms of the 12th World festival traditional dances


ΠΑΤΡΑ one of the biggest Greek cities and very important port) . It is the third city of Greece, and 200Khm from the capital Athens.

AIGION: A BEAUTIFUL TOWN AND TOURIST RESORT AREA, situated 160Km west of Athens (Capital of Greece) and 25 Km of Patras


a. Dancers must be over 17 years old.

b. Groups must be maximum 30-35 persons

c. Music can be live or recorded ( cd

It will be preferred the groups with live-music.


The group must prepare the following

a. 10 minutes performance for the opening and close ceremony

b. 20 minutes performances for the main presentations

c.Performances will take place in nearby places too


The festival will have competitive character. Groups will be judged by Jury and by the public.

The following

a. Best group(from public)

b. Best costumes(from jury)

c. Best scenic presentation(from jury)

For the 1st place in each category money award will be given (The exact amount will be announced soon).

Award categories may be added by jury.

Groups that want do not want to take place in the competition programme can be accepted and will not be judged.


In each group local products, plackets and dipolomas will be given. Dvd of the festival will be sent to you too.


Accomodation will take place in 3star hotel 30m from the sea.in triple rooms (Ηοtel RODINI www.hotelrodini.gr)and Hotel florida Blue Bay(www.floridabluebay.gr


Travel expenses up to PATRA will be at your own cost


a. Your group must arrive in HOTEL at 28/7/2016 between 08.00 -14.00

b. Departure will take place on 2/8/2016 after breakfast.


Excursions can be organized in nearby interesting and historic places, at your own cost. Among them we would like to mention: Visit to Delfihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delphi (Distance 150klm, 2hours) Visit Ancient Olympia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympia,_Greece (Distance 160klm, 2 hours and 20 minutes)

Visit to the ancient Theatre of Epidavros http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidaurus (Distance 150klm, 2 hours)

Visit to Athens (Acropolis, Stadium etc) Distance 167 klm, 2 hours)

Visit to the monastery of Megalon Spilaion-Kalavrita Visit to the Monastery of Agia Lavra http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agia_Lavra http://www.ekalavrita.gr/EN/aksiotheata.html

(Distance 30 klm, 45 minutes)

The groups, which they are interesting to participate in the festival, please contact for the financial terms with Mr. Stavropoulo Asimaki.


For full conditions and application forms please contact us

Stavropoulos Asimakis President of IONES

Director of Festival

e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


mob:00306948-115031- fax:003026910-81650

Address: Asimakis Stavropoulos


Municipality Aigialeias code: 25100





Place of the festival - Patras Ancient Odeum

arxaio odeio




12th POSEIDONIA  2016







Under the Auspices of International Organization of Folk Art  IOV


In operational  relations with  UNESCO


Under the Auspices of Ministry  Culture &Sports


Under the Auspices of Greek National Tourism Organisation


Terms of the International Choir Festival 


Patras: one of the biggest Greek cities and very important port . It is the third city of Greece, and 200 km far from Athens.

 Aigio: A beatiful town and tourist area, located 160 km west of Athens (Capital of Greece) and 25 km from Patras.



ü     There is no age limit


ü     All children, youth, adult male and female can take part .


ü     Groups must be maximum 45 persons (more participants can be accepted after agreement)


The group must prepare the following

ü     2 songs (no more than 10 minutes) of folk music of the country of choir ‘s origin for the opening ceremony

ü     6 songs (no more than 20 minutes) of free choice of the choir for the main performance. 


In each group local products, plackets and dipolomas will be given. Dvd of the festival will be sent to you too. 

5. Accomodation will take place in 3star hotel 30m from the sea,  in triple rooms (Ηοtel RODINI  www.hotelrodini.and Hotel Florida BlueBay (www.floridabluebay.gr


Travel expenses up to Patra will be your responsibility.


   üYour group must arrive in Patra on 2/8/2013 between 09.00 --14.00

  ü Departure will take place on 5/8/2013 after breakfast.

For groups that will stay fewer days arrival and departure will be arranged after agreement.


Excursions can be organized in nearby interesting and historic places, at your own cost. Among them we would like to mention:

ü  Visit to Delfi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delphi (Distance 150klm,)

 Visit Ancient Olympia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympia,_Greece (Distance 160klm,)

ü    Visit to the ancient Theatre of Epidavros http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidaurus (Distance 150klm,)

ü     Visit to Athens (Acropolis, Stadium etc) (Distance 167 klm,)

ü     Visit to the Monastery of Agia Lavra and in Kalavryta village http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agia_Lavra



For full conditions and application forms please contact us


Stavropoulos   Asimakis      President  of   IONES

                Director   of Festival

e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it       This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


 mob: 00306948-115031-                fax:003026910-81650

             Address:  Asimakis   Stavropoulos


Municipality    Aigialeias      code: 25100







                     Cultural Messages for the 10th World Festival of Traditional Dances 2014

To the


Art has always been a means for the enhancement of human sensitivity, creativity, as well as of personal, local and national identities. Dancing, this particular form of art, is a unique educational tool that teaches, among other things, discipline, coordination, harmony and aesthetic refinement. Learning folk dance -and, generally, engaging with national traditions- provides youngsters the opportunity to participate to the national soul and become a link in a chain that should not break. Respecting one’s own traditions may contribute to respect for traditions of other nations as well provided, of course, that they do not violate fundamental human rights. For freedom requires respect for these rights. And dance can contribute to reconciliation among nations, as it is an art that unites and liberates.


The “Iones” Association, which this year celebrates 10 years of the World Festival of Folk Dances, offers a brilliant work that makes us all proud. We thank them for that.




The Prime Minister


Antonis C. Samaras


To the Cultural and Educational Association on Municipality of Eliki “Iones”


The World Festival of Traditional Dances has been present for the last 10 years in the cultural life of our country. It is a very important institution that helps to promote culture and tradition. Meanwhile, through its openness, the Festival reinforces dialectic relationships, emphasizes artistic creation, educates, entertains and keeps the tradition of our country alive. This year, however, the Festival acquires special significance because of the difficult situation in which it is conducted. At a time when Greece is tested in many levels, the World of Culture shows in the most meaningful way that the forces that will get us out of the crisis are alive. The harmonious and creative coexistence of the new with the old, the modern with the traditional, the familiar with the unknown, makes the World Festival of Traditional Dances more topical than ever. I want to congratulate all those involved in the Festival and to wish them good luck in this year’s organization.


Angela Gkerekou


Deputy Minister of Culture and Sport



Dear friends,

Traditional dances serve the refinement of the spirit and harmony, while converting all of us to followers of our historical identity. The history of Greece throughout the centuries is long, with unique cultural and historical features that emerge through the preservation and continuation of our traditions and customs. Our guests deserve to get to know these characteristics and Folk Dance Festival organized by the Cultural Association Iones contributes significantly to the touristic and cultural promotion of our country. The organization, which after ten years is firmly established, is a benchmark for the preservation and dissemination of the tradition of our country. Events that promote culture and highlight tradition, have and always will have our full support.

                                                                                                  President of E.O.T.

                                                                          Dr. Christos L. Pallis


Message of the Ambassador of Ukraine to the Hellenic Republic

Folk dance expresses the soul of those who created it. It is a very important cultural element, which reflects both history and current events, tradition and improvisation, art and practice. While dancing, movements tell a wordless story and that’s why dance language does not need a translation. It actually acts as a bridge, bringing people of different cultural backgrounds closer to each other. My country –Ukraine- is very large and is located in the centre of Europe. It holds ancient civilization, rich and fruitful earth, welcoming, hard working, talented people with a great love for their homeland. All these cultural elements of our people are gathered with care and love and represented by the dance group “Zorianoi” (in Ukrainian this word means “stars”) of the Philharmonic of Kirovogkrat city. The group was created in 1984, and its artistic “beliefs” consist of three components: music, singing and dancing. I am convinced that “Zorianoi” will represent Ukraine in the anniversary of the 10th World Festival of Traditional Dances in Aegio in the best way. Seizing this opportunity, I would like to congratulate the organizers of the Festival – Cultural and Educational Association of Municipality of Eliki Iones and the chairman, mr. Asimakis Stavropoulos for organizing this Festival, which has become a major international cultural event. I would also like to express my gratitude for this so important to us all cultural cooperation, that strengthens the friendship between our people.


    Mr. Volodymyr Shkourov


Message of the Ambassador of Chile to the Hellenic Republic for the 10th World Festival of Traditional Dances

Through this message, I would like to congratulate the Cultural and Educational Association Eliki «Iones» and particularly it’s President, Mr. Asimakis Stavropoulos,   for the important cultural work they have been performing    so philanthropically and idealistically in the region of Achaeia for several years in the field of Traditional Dances. Culture is today, more than ever, a most important mean   to achieve  a meaningful life,  a human life, especially in a world in which only numbers, statistics, fast profit  and business seem to  take the first place of preoccupations and priorities. I believe a deeper consciousness of these elements should be developed, since without culture and cultural dialogue  we will never attain a fully sustainable system of life, in which the  respect for the environment, both natural and human and  including the concept of civilization, should be  considered  as the main reference of life and all our endeavors. In this regard,  I believe that the World Festival of Traditional Dances of Aigeio - so efficiently supported by the Cultural and Educational Association Eliki «Iones»  not only  greatly contributes to the goal of promoting  cultural dialogue – a notion that UNESCO has stressed as a very important mean to improve our lives and promote  international understanding -  but also  stresses  the relevance of the basic  right to have  beauty  in  our daily life. Beauty, as the former   Minister of Culture of France, Mr. Jack Lang, has said “should be considered as a fundamental right for humanity”. I sincerely think this wonderful Festival has significantly contributed for the achievement of that goal. My, country, Chile, located in the southern tip of South America is a country of amazing geographical and cultural contrasts. The driest desert on earth , Atacama, in the northern part of the country; the Andes Cordillera with heights well above 6000 meters;  active volcanoes;  earthquakes; cold sea currents coming from the South Pole;  cold jungles and the widest ocean on earth, the Pacific. All these elements were represented in this Festival last year version by the Chilean dance Group ANTUMAPU, one of the best in Chile for traditional dances. We sincerely hope to be able to bring another dance group of this level to the 2015 version of the Festival and show to our Greek friends our cultural values  which are very surprising  , but  in the same way,   similar to Greek  and therefore human, in the widest meaning of the concept. We thank The Cultural and Educational Association Eliki «Iones» for the participation of the Chilean ANTUMAPU Dance Group in this Festival last year and hope to bring another one of the same level in 2015. Last but not least – once more our warmest congratulations to the President of Eliki «Ιones» for the important philanthropic work they are performing in order to enrich cultural exchanges and promote beauty and human values, which are elements that cannot be measured with just numbers.


Martin Donoso

Charge D ‘ Affaires

Embassy of Chile in Greece


Message of the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Hellenic Republic on the occasion of the 10th World Festival of Traditional Folkloric Dances, Aegialeia, Greece

On behalf of the People and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, I would like to convey our highest appreciation to the Cultural and Educational Association ELIKIS IONES, who have organized the 10th World Festival of Traditional Folkloric Dances. Indonesia is proud to present LISTRA Sundanese cultural group to this festival. Indonesia is culturally rich country, with a civilization that can be traced back over many centuries. Indonesia has more than 300 ethnic communities, which make up the key factors in producing the rich cultural heritage of the Indonesian people today. Indonesians are proud of their diversity, integrating it in our lives day by day for generations. We have inherited an immense variety of traditions as well as innovations in the past, while continuing to create new ones in the present. Among this diversity, Sundanese culture is the second largest ethnic group of Indonesia, which outnumbers in West Java. The Sundanese folkdance introduced to the Greek people the elegance of artistic expression, entertainment and social conduct among the Sundanese people of West Java.
Through this festival, I hope that the Greek people had the opportunity to get to know more about the diversity of Indonesian culture. We are convinced that this festival will greatly contribute for enhancing mutual understanding and further strengthening of Indonesian and Greek friendship relation.

                                                                                          H.E. Benny Bahanadewa


  PROGRAMM  2014 πισω psd






                                        10 YEARS




Χαιρετισμός του Πρωθυπουργού κυρίου Αντώνη Κ. Σαμαρά




                                               Πρoς τον


Πολιτιστικό και Μορφωτικό Σύλλογο Ελίκης Δήμου Αιγιαλείας "Ίωνες".




Χορός, μοναδικό παιδαγωγικό εργαλείο που διδάσκει την πειθαρχία, τον συντονισμό, την αρμονία και τον αισθητικό εξευγενισμό.


Η εκμάθηση του παραδοσιακού χορού μετατρέπει τον νέο άνθρωπο σε συνεχιστή της παράδοσης.


Όποιος γνωρίζει την ταυτότητα του μπορεί να σεβαστεί και τις ταυτότητες των γειτόνων του.


Πάνω από όλα του δίνει την ευθύνη να κρατήσει και να συνεχίσει ότι διαμορφώθηκε και έμεινε ζωντανό μέσα από αιώνες.


Ο χορός συμβολίζει τον πιόνια κρίσιμο κρίκο μιας αλυσίδας που δεν πρέπει να σπάσει.H ενότητα βασίζεται στον σεβασμό, στον ρυθμό και τον ίδιο σκοπό.


Ο σύλλογος Ίωνες, που φέτος συμπληρώνει 10 χρόνια, προσφέρει λαμπρό έργο, το οποίο μας κάνει υπερήφανους και για το οποίο τον ευχαριστούμε


                                                             Ο Πρωθυπουργός


                                                                     Αντώνης Κ. Σαμαράς






Message Of the Prime Minister Mr. Antonis C. Samaras




Cultural & Educational Association of Eliki of Municipality Aigialeia “Iones”




Dancing is a unique pedagogical instrument. It teaches discipline, coordination, harmony, aesthetics and refinement.


Learning folk dances turns young people to active participants in their cultural tradition.


Whoever knows and understands all about his cultural identity can learn to respect the different cultural identities of his neighbors.


It provides a sense of responsibility to keep and to continue what was shaped through centuries and stayed alive.


Dancing symbolizes the most crucial link of an unbreakable chain. This unity is based on mutual respect, on the rhythm and the same tune.


The cultural Society "Iones" which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year is doing a superb job, which we are all proud of and we are very thankful to them.





The Prime Minister


Mr. Antonis C. Samaras



















                Танец – это единственный педагогический инструмент, который обучает к дисциплине, координации, гармонии и уважению.


Молодое поколение, изучая фольклорные танцы, является продолжателем культурного наследия своего народа.


Тот, кто знает и уважает свои народные обряды, тот и уважает обряды других народов.


Прежде всего ему дается возможность сохранить и продолжить все то, что сформировалось  и  осталось  живым  из  поклон  веков.


Танец – это важнейшее звено от всей цепи, которая не должна разорваться.  Союз между ними  обоснован на уважении той же самой цели.


                Заслуги и яркая деятельность  культурно – образовательного обществ  “Ионec” вызывают у нас чувство гордости, за что и мы его благодарим!    


                                                        Премьер – Министр Греции 


                                                          Гос. Антонис  К. Самарас




                                   Messaggio di Saluto del Primo Ministro Antonis C. Samaras
                                   all'Associazione culturale ed educativa "Iones"-Eliki, Grecia

Il ballo e' fondamentalmente uno strumento pedagogico che insegna disciplina,coordinazione, armonia e raffinatezza estetica.
L'apprendimento delle danze popolari costituisce,per i giovani,la continuità della tradizione.La consapevolezza della propria identità culturale è la chiave per rispettare le diverse identità dei paesi confinanti,facendosi carico della responsabilità di continuare a mantenere vivo ciò viene tramandato attraverso i secoli. La danza popolare simboleggia l'anello di congiunzione di una catena che non si può spezzare. L'uni
τά è basata sul rispetto reciproco, sul ritmo e sullo scopo fine a se stesso.
L'Associazione "Iones"che quest'anno celebra i 10 anni dalla sua fondazione ne è un esempio brillante che ci riempie d'orgoglio, per questo la ringraziamo.
                                                          IL PRIMO MINISTRO
                  ANTONIS C. SAMARAS    




    Saludo del Primer Ministro Sr. Antonis K. Samarás


A la Asociación Cultural y Educativa Elikis, del Municipio de Egialia“IONES”




 El Baile, es un instrumento único pedagógico que enseña la disciplina, la coordinación, la armonía y el ennoblecimiento estético.


El aprendizaje del baile folclórico transforma al hombre a un continuador de la tradición.


Quien conoce su identidad puede respetar la identidad de sus vecinos.


Sobre todo le da la responsabilidad para guardar y continuar lo que se adquirió y permaneció vivo durante varios siglos.


El baile simboliza el eslabón más crítico de una cadena que no debe romper. La unión se basa en el respeto, el ritmo y el mismo objetivo.


La asociación IONES, que este año cumple 10 años, ofrece un trabajo brillante, y el cual nos hace orgullosos y para el cual le agradecemos.




El primer Ministro


  Antonis K. Samarás






Les salutations du Premier Ministre Antonis Samaras pour l’ association culturelle et éducative de la municipalité Aigialeia “ Ioniens”



La danse outil pédagogique unique qui enseigne la discipline , la coordination , l’ harmonie et le raffinement esthétique. L’ apprentissage des danses folkloriques traditionnelles convertit les jeunes gens dans la poursuite de cette tradition.


Qui connait son identité peut respecter l’ identité des autres voisins surtout elle lui donne la responsabilité de maintenir et de continuer ce qu’ elle a créé et restée en vie a travers les siecles.




La danse symbolize le pion du maillon essential d’ une chaîne qui ne doit pas etre brisée , l’ unitée est basée sur le respect , le rythme et le même but .


LAssociation “ Ioniens” qui fête cette année ses 10 ans propose un travail brilliant ce qui nous rend fiers et pour lequel je la remercie.


                                                               Le Premier Ministre


                                                                Antonis K. Samaras.





Results of the competition of 9th World Festival of Traditional Dances

  After audience's voting for 3 days the 1st, 2nd and  3rd places take

1. Serbia-Hajduk Stanko             2050   votes

2. Belarus- Radost                      1100   votes

3. Chile- Antumapu                     1080    votes




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